Revelation Breathwork


Welcome to the Revelation Breathwork Healing Community. Here you can access live and on-demand classes and workshops.

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On-Demand Library

Having trouble making the live schedule work for you? No prob! Members get full access to over 700+ replays of all classes and workshops 24/7.


Single Class Drop-in

We love visitors! Come experience a live class for only $25. Check out our calendar or classes and events here


A message from our founders: Jason & Maura

Maura and I are so excited and honored that you have chosen to invest in yourself this way. We have seen miraculous healings and shifts in the lives of people in this community who are doing the courageous inner work.

The beauty of this work is that it is simple and accessible. It is laying down and giving ourselves the gift of presence and of breath. We can let the breath do the work. 

And the breath will meet us wherever we are. Sometimes this work can be very emotional. Other times it can be light and joyful. Other times we access new ideas and inspirations that we can use for our business and creative projects. It's limitless because life is limitless and YOU are one with life!

We know it's not always easy to do this work. When we are confronted with our shadow and pain and old, limited thinking, our ego comes up with all sorts of reasons and justified excuses why not to do the uncomfortable work of healing. 

But we know that right on the other side of those feelings of discomfort and avoidance is our freedom and inner liberation. EVERYONE can heal because EVERYONE can open their heart to themselves and receive love.

The most important thing is to JUST SHOW UP. Make the time for yourself. Prioritize your well-being. We promise you that it will be 

We all get lost and temporarily forget who we are on our journey. That's why we have a COMMUNITY of people who support each other. Wherever you are in life, you are not alone. And we all can rise together.

Much love,

Jason & Maura